GAMEDAY 42: Go Home, I’m Drunk

The backstory is… it’s been a very long day, my knee is FUCKING KILLING ME, I’m completely toasted and it’s 2:30am and Vlad still hasn’t sent me his content for the post he signed up to write for today’s gameday. I’m ok with that. I completely get “I’m busy and I forgot.” Nobuddy is getting paid (most of all me.) But when you find yourself saying, “this content sucks” … don’t represent on here by bitchin’ to me.

In local news, WE had another OT loss to sumbuddy. Who effin’ really cares anymore, am I right Evan? Fuckin’ know I’m right.

Tonight we play Jack Johnson… hahahahahahaha. If we lose to this asshole it’s a mortal lock this team will never make the playoffs.

Just so ya’ll know… I’m this close to sayin’ “fuk it.”

Let’s Go Pens