Not really much to report here. Pens made trades and got some good draft pick options. Some newbies played, WE lost again to Vegas. A win by the Rags, Blue Jagoffs, and Senate-whores or one more loss and WE’re officially out of the playoffs for the terd straight season. Not optimal. Which begs the question… how is Sully STILL behind this bench? I’ll be looking forward to seeing all of the minor league players coming up for a few games before the end of the season… Oh, wait… Sully. I’m really fed up with the way he manages the roster and the game. Plain and simple, the Pens need to make a clean sweep and cut him and most of his assistants loose, as well as some of the players.

Today WE play the DREADED ‘afternoon game’ against the Wild and old battle brother Marc Ande Fleury.

This will be the FINAL game the Pens have a chance play against their old friend and Cup cohart. Gustavsson looks like he’s scheduled to play in this match so, WE need somone to go “Tonya” that jagoff before gametime. It would be fitting to watch MAF knock the Pens out one last time. Fingers crossed.

So many great MAF memories. Rather than try to word it, I’ll just leave this 8 minutes right here…

<3 29 4 EVA … never forget!