I should just insert a poop emoji here, but instead I’ll just start by saying I didn’t actually watch the Carolina game. After reading all of the comments from that last post it seems that erreybuddy on this team including the coaching staff is a giant, heaping, steaming pile of crap. Bad game. Very bad game to say the least. You know what they say… short memory, let’s get our heads right on the flight out West and fuk-em-up!

Moving on… 3PM afternoon game, GREAT! WE do so well in afternoon games. Winnipeg is off to a great start at 4-0 and currently leading the division. Their lineup has remained pretty much intact since last season. So far they’ve embarrassed Edmonton, coasted to B2B OT wins against Chicago and Minnesota, then whomped on San Jose. Now they have us to deal with coming off a complete shit-show last game.

Maybe the Pens will have put their shit back together on the plane ride to Western Canada and come out sticks blazin’ or, maybe we’ll be hosin’ down the bed once again … who knows with this team. Time to start drinking heavily…