4 GAME WIN STREAK! Dafuq is wrong with these guys? Do they actually now think they can leapfrog up into the wildcard spot, go to the finals and win the cup? I suppose anything is possible… I’m not liking the odds on that scenario occouring. Would it be great? Ledgendary. Is playing down for a better draft spot more plausible? Damn right it is. This effin team.

Today was my 1st ‘official’ day of physical therapy for my knew knee. I’m sore, cranky, tired and don’t really know what else to say about the Islanders coming to visit. I don’t like them. Do I want the Pens to BEAT LIVING FUK outta them. You bet I do, but I feel it would be in their better interest to drop this one. And while they’re at it, drop the next 12 as well. Guess we’ll just have to see how long Jarry can stay sane.
