GAMEDAY TWO’FER 25 & 26 – The “Whatever” Stage of Grief

Ok, the backstory is … honestly I almost don’t really care what the flippin’ backstory is anymore. I’m writing this on Wednesday night at 5:30pm and I’m willing to bet it’s safe for me to say they lost to Vancouver. If they didn’t well, GREAT! If they did lose then, meh… moving on.

Tonight the Pens Traveling Circus is in Boston to get an ass whoppin from the Broons. It’s the GEEKIE and PEEKE show. I’m out on a limb here guessing they’ll get whipped, but hey, who knows maybe these Beaners are all hungover from the day before and we can sneak a win outta here. Probs not.

Saturday night is allright for losing back in the Stanky LeTaint against the Calgary Flames. Seriously this team is so bad right now I absolutely don’t want to even try to write any insights about them. The faster they lose every game this season and we can get some fresh meat in here, the better off we’ll all be.

So, there ya have it. The rest of this post is a sandbox for all of yinz cats to piss in. Hope you all had a really nice Thanksgiving. And… LET’S GO PENS! … right.