Can you believe the ingratitude of some people? We nurture and love him for 8 long years. Constantly telling him how good a writer he is… then outta nowhere, he up and dumps us for a job, money and family responsibility. Someone needs to search his soul and re-evaluate his priorities!

Congratulations Mr. 66thDopeFish and WE all wish you and your family all the best! It’s been a great run and please know that you will be missed. This place won’t be the same without your efforts. WE hope that you will stay with us, at least in the comments section, and at some point even return to write the occasional post or two or even return to writing full time! You will always be ‘whalecum’ here!

In other news, the Pens took a dump in their bed last night against a much more talented, invested team. Big friggen suprise there, eh? If you saw the game you already know that the Pens DO NOT play defense, they get very limited offense… (we’re looking at you 1st & 2nd lines) … and their goaltending is mediocre at best and constantly being left hanging out to drift in the wind. Simply put, this team is no muy bueno.

Tonight the Pens face the Canadians at the Bell Center in Montreal for a battle of the botom of the heap. I’m of the opinion that you couldn’t build one high quality playoff team out of a combination of both these rosters. Let’s hope the Pens can bounce back and apply the deadly ‘dik-kik’ to the Habs, but it could just as easily be the other way around. We just never know which Pens team is going to show up anymore.