BIG Sports weekend. After Penn State’s Thursday flop, hopefully the weekend will bring a complete turnaround for our other PA teams. Today at 4 PM WE host the Ottawaaaa Sens at the the Taint. WE must beat the Sens and start putting together a few victories in a row. Now in 5th place and OUT of the current playoff picture, WE can’t afford to drop any lower in the Metro standings. At least we’re not the Rangers.

Sunday at 5PM the Bolts arrive in town to play in the 2nd half of this weekend’s, home B2B. They’re good again this season, but they’re not unbeatable. Not the old squad they used to be without Stammer… but they do have our SNEK. The difference between these guys and us is basically they know how to win one goal games and not got to OT. They’re a very capable team so WE’re gonna have to bring the A game for this one.

Lastly but certainly not least… WE also have the NFL WILDCARD game on tonight at 7:30 PM… however other than in the PGH regional tv network, only the “PRIME” class of people will be able to view this one live. Me being a “High-Classy” PRIME person… I will be watching.
The NFL are really assholes for not televising this one to a national audience. Bezos will prawlly be giving away a bunch of new “free trial subscriptions” to people today. He’s obvi struggling and needs the cash, so I’m ok with it. fucker
I said it earlier in the week… and after the awful showing of the aforementioned college bed-shiting… I have a feeling that Dem Stillerz might just somehow shock these Ratfuck Birds tonight. They’ll have to get off to a good Offensive start to build their momentum and if they can get a turnover or two from 97, 90, 56 and the boys….