Fleury’s sport therapist thought it would be a good for me to write down my daily activities, in order to prevent me from getting too depressed while I’m healing. I thought I would give it a try. I heard about this site from Letang, who told me he switched to this because it is more private than LiveJournal. Ok, here we go …
Day 1
I’m one day post surgery.

I’m a little sleepy, but I feel pretty good. Mario and Coach came by with gifts from all the guys. Jake, Simon, and Rusty got me some video games. Geno sent me some of his Mom’s soup and gloves. Horny sent me his Disney plus password. Johnny took me home the next day. He filled me in on the recent game and how Letang went down while he cleaned my house, made a bath for me, and turned down my bed. He offered to bathe me, but once again, I informed him that it was not necessary. He such a great friend. When he left, it hit me that I wouldn’t get to play hockey for a while. What am I gonna do with myself!

Day 4
I’m hurting but my stitches look great. Good ole Gary sent me 10 cases of Fuji water and said I should soak in it every other day. The first few days were hard, as I’m used to waking up early, eat 6 egg whites with a keto muffin, then doing 500 sit ups before I head to the rink. Now, I roll out of bed around 10 am, just in time to grab some Lucky Charms before Maury starts. Yes, I have discovered Maury. I remember hearing Pascal scream in his room, “You’re not da fether”, and yelling at him to shut up, but now I totally get it. After a few episodes of The First 24, I call Letang.

Letang can usually sneak away when his kids are asleep for a chat on the phone. Sometimes we team up on World of Warcraft to attack Nutguzz7820. I hate that dude, he’s such a little cunt. I swear I’m gonna get him back from destroying my whole horde at the crossing of Hillsbrad.

Day 8
It has been one week since my surgery and I am still a little sore. My surgeon said it was ok for me to walk around more. It is good to have company, since Letang started skating. Mario brought over some of Nathalie’s spaghetti and we played Call of Duty. Today when he came by, we pranked called some of his friends. Jordan is sooooooooooo pissed at him cause we sent him 100 pizzas. LOL, wait until he gets the boxes of edible underwear we ordered.

To be continued…
Tune in for our next Episode where Max Talbot get his “RECALL”…shhhhhh
[special thanks to Finn and SSG for the pics]
Thanks LeJovi 😀

RECAP GAME 27: Thanks LaBlues
WE lost and the final score was: PENS 2 – BLUES 5
I’m not a “writer” boys and girls. I did however sleep in a Holiday Inn a few weeks ago. The Pens played ok and we skated with the 2018 SCC for 2 periods.
LaFarty had a sweet break away goal and LaNorris lasered one in again from the top of the circle for his 3rd in 3 straight games.

Murray was stuck playing behind Rudeweasel’s Johnson all night after Dumo went out for cigaretts and milk early in the first period. Won’t see him again till he comes lookin for his Christmas presents.

Between the Steelers and the Pens this year WE are far and away the “CITY of TRAUMA.” The Blues simply outlasted us. For as many WBS players and D playing F as we’re skating right now, WE did a respectable job Saturday night against the Blues. How much longer WE can keep this up and stay in contention is anybuddy’s guess at this point.