I can’t be on in real time for tonight’s matchup. I’m taking Ms. SSG to see the “LIVE” showing of Joni Mitchel’s 75th Burfday Concert at the local cineplex. (wake me up when it’s over hunny, k? ) So, I’m leaving this here now, in case I go into a coma and doan return. Jovi, when you sober up, I’mna need you to please come resuscitate me?
Well, we can’t seem to beat teams that are mediocre or just plain bad. WTF? Maybe it’s about getting used to the new personel and Geno-Horny-Schultz being in and out of the lineup all year long. WE don’t suck! WE have playas!

I’m tired of excuses. These bois better get their head’s on straight and start playing like we all know they can. These are the piddly points that make the difference at the end of the regular season to determine home advantage in the post season.

Are they coasting only to make the playoffs and then going to try turning it on then? Does this team need a shrink? Can we fix it in Florida tonight? Who friggen knows? All I know is Panthers suck and we better not lose two in a row to them. Or, or, or…I’ll kick a puppy with a heart murmur, dammitt! Doan make me do it!

In two games with the Panthers, Brassard and Sheahan have a combined 1 goal (Brass) and no assists. Who want’s to bet they both have at least 2 points each tonight? Honest to friggen gawd, why do we always make the bad teams and players look like world beaters? Better not happen tonight. We need these points. We want these points. We’re getting these points!

That’s really all the thoughts about, and energy for, this Florida Panther squad I’ve got. Bottom line is they plain suck. We better beat them. or I….